Has anyone ever defined the real definition of “LOVE”? An unexplained yet unidentified feeling often ask this question to me & all I do is smile.
For me Love is anything & everything I used to do for my fur baby Chip.
This unpredictable journey called Life made me very predictable about my four legged friend & I was extremely lucky to have him in my life.
He taught me to look towards other canines & some of them, especially the ones on the street, who are leading a hard life; often tortured, without a roof over their heads and without food.
And so was born Friends Furever……
Even though Chip has left this world for a better place but he will always live in my heart & help me carry on this journey of Friends Furever.

Friends Furever’s Streetie Pies

If you know me at all, you know I’m the boss! But I’m sweet too, ask the humans in my colony. And I’m good to my street pals. They’re young, they need a super dog like me to look up to...
So, even though I have had a broken leg when i was litle, I’m a hero with a limp. Meh... But that doesn’t slow me down, especially when there’s a cat on the loose! Hahaha! I’m Muffin by the way. Woofy nice to meet you!”
....................MUFFIN, the Boss

“I’m wicked fast and am the one having killer looks in the pack. I don’t call the shots, but I’m the ‘Smart Brother’ that takes of the others. And did I mention, my eyes are of two different colours? That’s why everyone calls me Target. You’ll know me when you see me!”
................TARGET, the Handsome Bro

“I’m a sweet, social, happy-go-lucky party animal! I say hi to every human I meet, shake hands, and looove smiling for the camera.
Have you tried resting on parked cars? Oh. You must! It’s brilliant. My brother, Muffin, doesn’t agree though. He chases me down, every time! Anyway, if you’re in town, drop by the colony sometime, and ask for Snowy. “
...................SNOWY, the Socialite

“Some of us really don’t have it easy, do we? sigh But that’s okay. That’s life From having a maggot wound, to getting a fracture, to living with a twisted leg, I’ve seen it all. But don’t lose hope. Things will get better, especially when you have friends who love you. After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? That is and always will be my motto - The Spice Motto.”
..................SPICE, the Beauty

“I’m Ginger. Naughty, pretty, brainy and a combination of all the other nice adjectives you can think of!
Just kidding (or maybe not!) Anyway, I’m proud that I stand up to my bossy brothers. They’re sweet... but hey, I like to be the boss too, sometimes! That’s fair, right?”
............GINGER, the Mischief Maker

“Let’s play a game. Can you guess my name? I’m quiet and gentle, but strong and independent.
I love to let my mind wander. But when I snap back to reality, I’ll be the sweetest dog you know. The answer can’t get any clearer. I’m Sugar.”
...................SUGAR, the Sweetie Pie

“’Big things come in small packages’ - that’s me, Pepper. I may be small, but I have a big say in how the colony runs.
That’s coz I’ve got puppy power! And powerful friends of course ; I am also called Papdi Chaat by Momy .
.................PEPPER, the litle Smarty

“Hi there, I’m Zoey.
I’m a beauty with brains, shy, a little lonely. But I feel lucky to be me, now that I’m off the streets taken care of by a kind family. I guess happily-ever-afters do happen sometimes.”
...................ZOEY, the Angel

This little pupper was left by someone and he was very courageous to make a place in the group. Had a hard time initially with Muffin & Pepper but now he’s settled & moves in style & is BEST FRIENDS with Snowy & the Cats. He runs & plays a lot & is loved by many hoomans in the street.
............JOY, the super smart kid